Leon Rosenberg wrote:
Well you shouldn't have anything with Database in the name in your
action, it should be encapsulated in a service POJO.

I'm not so sure about this... I understand the motivation for saying it and agree with that motivation, but it's a bit to hard-and-fast for my tastes. :)

As an example, I have one application where there are quite a few Actions that call on a number of business delegates to perform their duties. Those delegates are the POJOs you are referring to. If I let each of them get a database connection on their own, than a particular user could wind up using a couple of connections per request (or the developer would have to ensure that each delegate is used, cleaned up, including the connection, before the next one is used).

Keep in mind that we aren't using a "real" persistence layer for any of this, and that would certainly handle such a concern. But many people are still not using persistence layers, so it's not exactly unusual.

The way we solved this problem is this...

We have a base Action. It performs a number of common functions, one of which is to instantiate a BusinessDelegateFactory. This factory has the responsibility for getting a connection through the database (by using a DatabaseConnectionManager class). Then, the base Action calls an overloaded version of execute() in the extending Action that has the factory as an extra parameter.

In the Actions themselves, you will see things like:

ClientBD = (ClientBD)factory.get("CliemtBD");
ArrayList clients = clientBD.getClients();

Doesn't look unusual I'm sure :) The part that is really nice here though is that if an Action uses a number of business delegates, the factory ensures that they all share the same database connection. So we're always only using one per request, which is ideal. Also, the factory has sole responsibility for setting up and cleaning up the business delegates, the Action doesn't have to be concerned with any of that (as it shouldn't).

Is this mixing of layers or otherwise a bad design? I'm not arguing it's the best thing ever done, but I don't see it as bad either. The business delegates still are POJOs, and the Actions themselves aren't really dealing with the database connection directly, they are delegating to a class that does that. In fact, the Actions are doing only what they are suppose to as far as I'm concerned: they are traffic cops, passing things (data, connections, whatever) between objects that do the real work.

Incidentally, I use the declarative exception handling as well. Everything bubbles up to the common handler and is dealt with appropriately there. No try/catch in the Actions, or the business delegates for that matter (except where there are exceptions that you know you can handle immediately, everything else just bubbles up). Makes for *very* clean code, and from my experience I don't find it to be any less robust. In fact, the consistency with which exceptions get handled I think is *more* robust... I log A TON of information, send eMail alerts and construct a nice page for the user (we take the tact by the way that an exception should never happen and therefore is probably not a recoverable situation, so just being as kind to the user as possible is the goal, as well as making it as easy for us as possible to track down what happened later).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

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