Jonathan, I can't seem to find your patch to fix the website anywhere in bugzilla. Can you point me to it?

James, I understand that this is some kind of attempt at sarcasm. The problem is that you're obviously not really thinking about what you're saying.

Oh, maybe you are right. What I really meant to say is "put up or shut up". The only excuse for not helping is not knowing how or not having time. And we have the "how" covered under the FAQ link, and since you are obviously a very successful part of Freemarker, I doubt this fits you. So, again, why have you not offerred to help explain things better? Did you just come here to complain?

Trust me, your complaints do not affect the compensation I get from the ASF. I am richly rewarded for my contributions. In fact, I still get dividends from time to time. Just the other day I got an email from someone thanking me for helping with a particularly difficult issue they had struggled with until Google landed them on a response I had made a few months back, which helped them get to a solution much faster than they would have on their own. That's my currency.

Let's try to deconstruct what you're saying implicitly:

A potential user hits your website and cannot, on the basis of the text there, understand what the product is or does.

I see, so you speak for EVERYONE now, correct?

You seem to be suggesting that this very same individual should offer a patch to fix this issue.

That's not what I said.

You claim that someone who hits the website cannot understand what the product is or does. How can you claim this unless you actually DO understand what it is and therefore it must be confusing for someone who doesn't. Do you see the difference?

Furthermore, for you to even suggest that this is confusing means that you actually do care about what people think about Struts. Am I wrong? If not, then why have you only offerred criticism and not a patch?

Or in other words:

The "bug" that a person reports is that the text on a website is basically incomprehensible. He doesn't understand what you're talking about. So he offers a patch so that *HE* now will understand WTF *YOU* are talking about.

See above explanation.

Do you see the basis for Monty Python skit here?

To use your own words, "Well, yeah... blah blah".

Look, James, obviously it is up to the Struts people to explain clearly what their product is.

No, it isn't. As Ted and others have explain NUMEROUS times in the past. We are here to scratch an itch!!!!! We are here to build the software that WE want to use for OUR projects. It just so happens that a few of us spend some extra time on documentation. We are NOT obligated to do so. If I'm wrong, then I must have missed that section in the ASF guidelines or bylaws.

Maybe if we were JBoss Inc. or Spring21 we might have paid staff to keep the docs all prettified and such.

Henri asked me specifically to say what my criticism of the website was and I answered the question. I just said that you have to reconsider the audience that the site is oriented towards.

Aha, see, you do care.

Do you think I'm wrong about this?

Whether you do or not, should people who offer their opinion in good faith ...

LMAO!  Is that what you call it?

... be subjected to this kind of lame, moronic sarcasm? To me, this just doesn't seem like adult behavior.

I see, well, among the more moronic things I've seen you say here more than once include:
"Moreover, the fact that Struts was unable to stay competitive with
Webwork even given the huge advantages you should have in terms of
attracting collaborators, this seems to suggest that your model did not
work very well."

What model is that? You base your "opinion in good faith" on unfounded principals. The Apache way is not based on business models. Apache is NOT in the business of competing with anyone. Why do you (and others) keep suggesting different?


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project

Even your signature block shows that you don't "get it". Why do you claim "lead developer"? Does that make you better than all of the others? Or more important somehow? When is the last time Craig put "lead developer" in his signature block? Why doesn't Martin put "PMC Chair" under his name?

Some people have misgivings about some kind of perceived power that comes with committership. As if the larger the project, the more power or influence. The real champions at Apache, or "lead developers" as you might put it, have earned the respect of others by helping out where it counts, not counting who has written more lines of code.

And just to make it clear, when I say "champions", I'm NOT talking about committers. I'm NOT drawing a line down the middle of the page separating committers and non-committers as Dakota continues to claim. The Struts community is alive and well and will continue to thrive under our current leadership and "model" (as you say), proving yet again that it isn't so much about the code as it is about the community.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring

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