Now, it's obviously a valid question that Struts developers should answer.

It _is_ an invalid question, that's why everyone is ignoring you.

And now, I'd like to respond to you with your own words, from your own not-so-kind off list response to me (of course, censored because this is a public list)...

... this is sh** is getting personal now. Who the f*** do you think you are? You must be one ill-bred little f***.

I don't have to give you any feedback on your lame-a** website. I don't have to give you anything. I don't owe you or any of your cohorts a f***ing thing.

If you want to start maintaining human standards of behavior, the next time somebody gives you any feedback on your work, here's what you should say:

"Thank you."

I guess nobody ever taught you that. Do you know how bad I made you look there? I hope I completely humiliated you.

If you f*** with me any more, I'll humiliate you some more.

People like you are very very bad for open source. Some people's first experience of an open source project is something like Struts full of arrogant little a**-licking toady bastards like you.

F*** you, you contemptible little sh**.

Now that that's off my chest, I shall forever send your replies to / dev/null.

Have a wonderful day.

James Mitchell

P.S. "Thank you"

On Mar 27, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Jonathan Revusky wrote:

Emmanouil Batsis wrote:
Jonathan Revusky wrote:
Struts has also fallen further and further behind technically in its space. (This has what has led to the Webwork merger so that the "Struts umbrella" could offer something reasonably up-to-date.)
[Note: This is not a reply to Jonathan personally]

Yes, note that I am actually not the best qualified person to answer this.

Now, it's obviously a valid question that Struts developers should answer. They decided to abandon work on Struts 1.x and bring Webwork over here and work on that. So they really should be the ones to answer your question. However, one gets the sense that they don't want to answer such questions....

I keep seeing posts claiming Struts Action/Classic is technically old etc etc; is there a resource available summarizing how exactly this is true?

It did not take me long using google to find the following page:

Of course, that list was surely worked up by the Webwork people and is thus, not from an unbiased source. Still, I would suppose that the points there are truthful.

In any case, the fact is that the Struts developers have decided that they prefer to move the Webwork code over here and work on that, so they have accepted that Webwork is better. I think that has to be taken at face value, since, you'd think that most people in their situation would prefer to have a tooth extracted rather than accept that their work is inferior. But that is what happened.


Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,
FreeMarker group blog,


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