Hi Yariel,
I know this problem, you can generate an input hidden with value of checkbox
(to get value off the checkbox after a post) and generate the radio with
disabled property (for display). For this case, you must manage two html
fields in your JSP. Morever if you want mange html select, the problem will
be more difficult. Your JSP will quickly be awfull! So if you wan manage
state of your field in your JSP, you could use library Formview which is
able to manage state (READ_WRITE, READ-ONLY,...) in your JSP. See at
http://formview.sourceforge.net/ for more information if you have

Regards Angelo

2006/10/17, Yariel Ramos Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Thanks for your answer Angelo...

The real dificult is with chechboxes and radios; the readonly property
does't have any efect over them.

Any suggestion or solution to this problem??

Best Regards.

XIII Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
28/noviembre al 1/diciembre de 2006
Cujae, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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