S2 Validation follows a "config-behind-class" model. You define a
validation file for the Action class (or other JavaBean) that needs to
be validated, and place it in the same package/folder. The validation
follows the class hierarchy, so that if a class is extended, the
subclass inherits the validator. There is also an alternative syntax
so that you can specify a validation for a particular method on an
Action class. The latter is helpful when you are passing several
"CRUD" methods through the same Aciton class, dispatch-style.

For more, see

* http://cwiki.apache.org/WW/validation.html

-- HTH, Ted.
* http://www.husted.com/struts/

On 10/17/06, Jim Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Downloaded and extracted the struts2-showcase-2.0.1.war file to my
tomcat server. I am looking at the validation/quizBasic!input.action
and I am confused on how the validtion on these fields is set. I am
accustomzed to using 1.x.

Could someone please explain how the validation for these three fields works?


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