Thank you for your answer Wendy.
I have looked for a Tiles jar in the Struts2.0.0 jar, but I can't find it
(I've downloaded the Struts2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar). Do you know if it is
packed in this version of Struts2.0.0 or if I may find it in the newer
versions? If it is not, could you tell me where I can find it?
Thank you very much.


On 11/15/06, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/15/06, Sébastien LABEY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't understand how to configure Tiles2 (with Struts 2.0.0).
> I have downloaded a tiles-core-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in
> put it in my /WEB-INF/lib directory (maybe, I should have renamed it
> to tiles-core.jar ???).

The name of the jar doesn't matter, but the very latest Tiles 2 code
is unlikely to work with Struts 2.0.0.  Your best bet is to use the
Tiles jar that shipped with Struts 2.0.0.

Alternately, if you need the latest snapshot of Tiles, then you pretty
much have to move to the latest snapshot of Struts 2 to go with it.
Whether you want to do that depends on how comfortable you are out on
the bleeding edge. :)


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