> As Don mentions, you can use JSF components with Struts2 pretty easily, and
> that can be a good avenue if you primarily want JSF for the visual
> components part, and don't need/want the managed beans and lifecycle
> controller parts.  If a "framework on top of JSF" is what you are after
> (which is a reasonable thing for an application developer to want -- JSF
> focuses on the component APIs and the foundations for application needs),
> you can definitely look towards Shale[1] (we're putting the finishing
> touches on what we hope will be a GA release) or Seam[2] (just released 1.1
> ).

Thanks, I will have a closer look at Shale and Seam. A "framework on top of 
JSF" sounds like what I am searching for.

After reading this post of you, I am not sure if struts2 is what I want.
-> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-dev&m=115090201630610&w=2

> If you like tooling assistance around your development efforts, you might
> also want to take a look at what support your favorite IDE provides.  If
> you happen to be in the NetBeans camp, the Visual Web Pack plugin is
> totally focused around visual drag-and-drop, and includes a built in
> framework with a lot of similarity to the "view controller" function in
> Shale, plus there is pretty nice non-visual support for straight JSF coding
> (including code generation for CRUD apps).  You'll also see great support
> for JSF in Oracle's JDeveloper, and "basic but getting there" support in
> Eclipse.  I can't speak to Idea's support for JSF, but wouldn't be
> surprised if it is comparable.

In the NetBeans camp and I know the VWP. Unfortunately it does not fit in my 
project, mainly because of missing templates. We discussed that on nbusers a 
few days ago ;-)


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