Ted Husted wrote:
Change to the showcase source directory and run mvn install

That was the trick I was missing!  Thanks!

There's an open issue that suggest reverting the 2.0.2 datepicker,
which I may try to apply today.

* https://issues.apache.org/struts/browse/WW-1555

with the right mvn command I can now finally get the showcase working, and it appears (at first glance--I'll need to do a little more testing) that the datepicker and timepicker are working in there w/o this patch... (But with my one character change--I'll have to see if it works w/o that.)

Actually, we'd prefer people did make changes to Struts to make it
work or make it work better, and then donate back the patches. :)
We're all working-stiffs here, just like you.

I have a feeling the broken-ness may be in my app rather than struts. Now I at least have a baseline against which to compare my app so I can find the problems (whether they be in my code or in struts). If I can figure out for sure that it's in struts, I'll definitely submit issues and patches.

If the datepickers works better for your with the trwithout the
trailing slash, then post a patch. It does seem to be broken in the
2.0.1 beta, since the picker doesn't go away after selecting a field.

Without that trailing slash none of the dojo based tools work for me (not just the datepicker), so I doubt this is the showstopper you're looking for.

It is not our intention for people to treat Struts like a
blackbox and use only whatever happens to be in the distribution.

I know I can add in other tools, but I would like to be able to add them in later as spit and polish. This project is still in the (not very rapid right now) prototyping phase, and in order to make reasonable progress I need to be using a framework powerful enough to provide some fairly complex tools out of the box. The fact that struts integrates an ajax toolkit to provide these is a major point in its favor. (Of course, on top of the fact that is a first class framework that should help yield a maintainable application.) But, there are other frameworks, and I need to start making progress again soon. I hope I am able to stick with struts. Time will tell.

And, honestly, if someone doesn't fix the datepicker tag soon, it's
not going to be in the GA distirbution anyway.

While I recognize this is not a key component of an MVC framework, it is a key datatype that lots of applications need to ask users to specify, so would be a shame to have to exclude it. Here's hoping that we can get it working in time.


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