Thanks Dave,
I'm sure that innerHTML was my faulty memory since I didn't write that code and 
haven't touched it, but I will double-check tomorrow.
Thanks for the other ideas too -- I think all the relevant code is inside a 
function but I'm not entirely sure, so I'll double-check that too.


From: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun 2/11/2007 9:21 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] RE: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page

--- Christopher Loschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> parent.document.resultDiv.innerHtml =
> document.resultDivTemp.innerHtml;

I know that was from memory, but IIRC it's innerHTML,
so just in case.

> Another possibility is that the button I'm pressing
> to move from page to page appears on the page BEFORE
> the form appears (above it vertically) and so the
> form might not yet be fully defined at that point on
> the page, but that doesn't make sense to me either,
> because if that were a problem, then there's no way
> I could ever use a control that appears earlier on
> the page than a form, and I see that on websites all
> the time.

Just bear in mind that any Javascript that isn't
executing within a function is called in the order
it's loaded, so if you have "naked" Javascript before
the form is on the page it will fail:

  var foo = document.form.uhoh.value;

<form name="uhoh".../>


In any case, what you're doing probably shouldn't
crash Firefox/Firebug, so I'd file a ticket once you
reproduce a minimal testcase.

I'd still like to know what happens if you ask for

var boxesAcross =

in the Firebug console, though.


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