Struts 1 or Struts 2?

Assuming Struts 2, I'll answer as best as I can.

You'll have to code an action around calling this 'method.' For instance,
say the method you want to call is in a class called Foo and the method is
called bar(). If the result of bar() is a String and this result is what
you're looking for, then the pseudo-code would look something like this - 

In struts.xml - 
<action name="FooCall" class="FooAction" >

In - 
public class BaseAction extends ActionSupport {
        private String result ;
        public String execute() {
                Foo foo = new Foo();
                String newResult =;
        public getResult() {
                return result;
        public setResult(String newResult) {
                this.result = newResult;

In aJSP.jsp -
        taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s"
%><s:property value="result" />

Feel free to criticize if I'm off-base, I have thick skin ;-)

Basically, at this point, you would still need to write your AJAXy code
which would point to http://yourserver/yourWebApp/FooCall.action

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Monttez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Ajax - obtaining a method result
> Hi all
> I want to make an ajax call to a method and get its 
> returning.. (for use
> in a javascript fragment)
> For example: I want to get the Id for the inserted person (in an ajax
> insert..)..
> How it is possible?
> This method could be in an action or directly in my Service class..
> Thanks in advance
> Luciano
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