I have spent a few weeks getting my hands dirty with Struts 2 now, and I have come to a crossroads of sorts, in my app design and layout of my actions.
A good example of where I am looking for direction is the following:

A user logs in and wants to add a transaction for an account. I have an AccountAction that is setup to work with, ultimately, my AccountBean. But here is where I need to know the right way to do things in Struts2 land. When I want to search for a particular account, I of course use the AccountAction, sending in an account.acctNumber via my _input. So far so good no? If the account is not found, great, I just send them back to the same page, with a nift actionError telling them what went wrong. But if the Account is indeed found, then what? I know I need to get the Account object onto the stack for displaying. But where should I send the app next? Do I have an _enterPayment method in my AccountAction? And then reference that in the same way as I did _input, as a new result in my ActionCrud_* in my .xml file? Or is it more recommended to create a new action in the .xml file with a new result just for this particular scenario? 1 action per functional part of the app, or 1 action per data type, with many results corresponding to each method that I call inside that partuclar action?

The more I think of it, the more questions I have.

<action name="AccountCrud_*" class="com.its.irmc.action.AccountAction" method="{1}"> <!-- this one I get...I bring up my search form... ActionCrud_input.do brings up my search form which has an action of ??? (Assuming ActionCrud_Search for now, if we stay in the 1 action idea->
           <result name="input">/WEB-INF/jsp/UC01-EnterPayment.jsp</result>

<!-- This one I get, my search page asks for an account number, it calls getAccount(acctNumber) and the appropriate account is found. But if I have a result that goes to a page...I can't for some reason see the information in the Account object on the stack, only the account number from the Account object created at submit from the input page. --> <result name="success-acctfound">/WEB-INF/jsp/UC01a-EnterPayment.jsp</result>

<!-- Should I instead be redirecting to an action in stead of havnig the result load a page? Am I missing a base idea of how the stack operates and when it is available to me? --> <result name="success-acctfound" type="redirect-action">AccountCrud_search</result>


From my search page:
 <s:form namespace="/irmc" action="AccountCrud_search" validate="true">
<s:textfield name="account.acctNumber" value="%{account.acctNumber}" label="%{getText('acctNumber')}" size="40"/>
   <s:submit key="button.label.submit"/>

From my result page after the search:
Account Number: [<s:property value="account.acctNumber"/>]<br>
Name: <s:property value="account.firstName"/> <s:property value="account.lastName"/><br>
Address: <s:property value="account.address1"/><br>
Address: <s:property value="account.address2"/><br>
Debtor Phone: <s:property value="account.phone"/><br>
<s:actionmessage />

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