Dave Newton-4 wrote:
--- Skip Hollowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.nabble.com/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=post&post=9458130&i=0>> wrote:
> 1 action per functional part of the app, or 1 action

> per data type, with many results corresponding to
> each method that I call inside that partuclar

I think this is mostly a matter of preference, isn't
it? I find it more concise (overall) to use an Action
per datatype (when appropriate).

The Actions are still short because much of the work
is done via injected services.

> <!-- [...]
>      have a result that goes to a page...I can't
>      for some reason see the information in the
>      Account object on the stack, only the account
>      number from the Account object created at
>      from the input page.

Are you setting the Action's account property with the
one you retrieved? If you aren't redirecting there
shouldn't be any issues with things like this.

There is where I am finally making some headway. But in my _submitPayment, inside my form, I have to send the hidden account.acctNumber, so my prepare method can grab the account (again). I shouldn't have to do this, should I? Since I was able to grab the account off the stack, what means do I have to submit this _submitPayment to my AccountAction, and have it still now which Account I am working with. Am I running into issues because of the the paramsPrepareParamsStack that is being used for my AuthenticatcationInterceptor on each page? I appreciate all of the help so far. For every time that the lightbulb turns on for me on this, another dark door opens.

Skip Hollowell

This AuthenticationInterceptor checks to make sure the that user is logged in before allowing a page/action to be displayed. If the user is not logged in then the interceptor redirects all requests to the Login_input action
           <interceptor name="authentication"
           <interceptor-stack name="loginuser" >
               <interceptor-ref name="authentication" />
                <interceptor-ref name="paramsPrepareParamsStack"/>
               <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
           <interceptor-stack name="guest" >
               <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
       <!-- Default interceptor stack. -->
       <default-interceptor-ref name="loginuser" />


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