I am using Struts 1.2.7, and am developing a user form that employs the
validator framework. 
Once validation is successful, I display the results back to the user
on a JSP page, before final submission to the business layer for
database update. At this point I would like to give the user the
opportunity to edit the content by providing a link back to the original
form, with values present for further updating/validation. 
I simple javascript:back() approach is not feasible (nor desirable), as
it will play back any validation errors that may have occurred. I set
the scope of the form to session, but then the contents are always in
the form fields, even when the user returns to the form page to enter
brand new data.
Could someone provide insight on the best approach to allow for
re-display (and re-validation) of form content? Any guidance would be
appreciated... thanks!

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