Now I'm even more confused about where dependency injection happens for interceptors.

My long running process is importing large numbers of documents into my system (extracted from an uploaded .zip file), which needs DB access throughout the process. As such, I use something based upon:
(My thanks to bigfleet, the original author of this document!)

And it's only sometimes working, as it seems that I only sometimes have a non-null sessionFactory available (patterns for when are not yet apparent)...

The life-cycle of the interceptor is unclear to me, as is what would call the setSessionFactory method. Previous comments in this thread indicated that each configured interceptor stack results in a single instance of the interceptor upon webapp startup? Am I stating that correctly? If so, I don't understand how that single object have had it's sessionFactory dependency injected sometimes but not others...

I don't think I have any configuration anywhere telling spring to inject the sessionFactory, but it is sometimes getting injected anyway. Probably all I need to do is figure out where this magic is happening, and specify it explicitly to avoid the reliance on such magic...can anyone fill me in on where to look?


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