> "When a portlet is in MINIMIZED window state, the
> portlet should only render
> minimal output or no output at all."

Ealier we were using struts-bridge for portlet
development, there it was showing no output for the
MINIMIZED window state, also I have seen lot of other
portlet development strategies where it shows nothing
for the minimized window state.

> As I interpret this, it's the responsibility of the
> portlet to display the
> correct content. So you need to do some checking for
> the window state and
> take according action in your portlet.

I DONT THINK this is possible, The reason is as

In S2 when I submit a form (not a HREF) it goes to an
action and there after forward to a JSP, Now being in
the same page if I switch between modes, it does not
go the action class but shows the content probably
from cache or already rendered content, Due to this
reason how can I check for the Window State in the
corresponding action class.

> However, there wasn't much information about the
> minimized window state in
> the spec. I couldn't find any description of the
> contract between the portal
> server's "window buttons" and the window states, so
> there might be different
> behaviour from server to server. 

We have different portlet development strategies
working fine with uPortal, hence this is nothing to do
with the uPortal or any other portal container.

Please let me know if any way around for this.
This should be a common problem to anyone, Can we
enforce it to hit the action class for each switch
between windows states so that in the portet we can do


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