Yes. I know of several companies that are using s2 in production environments. I also know of an extremely large company that has started to use s2 for prototyping. As far as your other questions go - this really depends on the project. Like any design decision, the choices need to made depending on the services and features required.



*** Please don't blast me for asking. I'm simply looking for educated and
objective feedback ***

Is your company using Struts2? We are starting a Proof of Concept this week
and I honestly don't even know where to begin!  I have read so many
different viewpoints about S2 that I can't tell whether I'm coming or
going.  What interfaces to implement?  What companion frameworks to
leverage?  What interceptor stacks to use?  What about the choice of UI
toolkits? I read last night how the ajax support was being extracted from
S2 and made a plug-in.  I realize these are not easy questions, but I am
leading a Struts 2 subcommittee and I am being asked for recommendations and
timetables.  Do you think S2 is ready for prime time?


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