Hello Session, 

See replies in context below -  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Session Mwamufiya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:58 PM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: Struts 2 Login example using a session
> Hi,
> I tried to follow the simple login example at 
> http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/simplelogin-with-session.html, but
there are many 
> things that I don't get:
> - first, it's written for webworks, not struts 2, are there any
compatibility issues between the two?

I read that page and I would say that other than using <s: instead of
<ww:, there are not any compatibility issues (and that isn't a real
issue, one more of style).

> - second, the session is never set with a timeout attribute, how do we
actually enforce a timeout?

The session timeout period is controlled by the app server as far as I
know. For instance, I have the following using Tomcat4 - 


> - third, do we need to include a line like <jsp:include
page="WEB-INF/inc/loginCheck.jsp" /> at the 
> beginning of every jsp file in our web app to check whether the user
is still logged in; or is there 
> a more general way of ensuring that.

I took a different approach than the authors of that page (and may
update the wiki with my code if people feel it is appropriate. First
off, I created a global result named "login" in a global package. When
this result is encountered, it redirects to the Login action. Next, I
created a class that implemented SessionAware and put all of the login
logic in that class. Every action that needs to enforce a login inherits
from that class. With my way, you can avoid includes... If I don't want
to inherit from that "Authenticated" action, I can create a custom tag
with the same logic (check the session for a user object, if not there,
redirect to the Login action). 


Session A. Mwamufiya
Carnegie Mellon University
MBA | Tepper School of Business
MSE (software eng.) | School of Computer Science
T: (412) 508-5455 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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