Yes, I'm having this problem almost every time I undeploy the
application on Windows XP.

The S2 application is using Spring, Hibernate, MySQL and etc.

May I know what are you expecting in the test environment? Simply a
WAR file to simulate the problem? with database schema and etc?


On 7/16/07, Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2007/7/16, hezjing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Well, I'm not sure if this is the Tomcat's problem.

Usually this happens under Windows, when a JAR is opened (for example, to
read a file) and it is never closed when finished (it will be closed by the
garbage collector, but it could pass AFTER the undeployment).
It could be a Struts bug. Can you prepare a small test environment, see if
you can replicate the problem and open a JIRA issue?




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