You should modify your bean definition, 


If you’re using spring 2.0.x, 


<bean id=” AccountAction” class=”” scope=”prototype”>




Spring 1.xx

<bean id=”AccountAction” class=”com.xxxAccountAction” singleton=”false”>



That ensure a new action was constructed every time a new request was sent, not 
 a singleton

Action bean.





发件人: 钟原froast [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
发送时间: 2007年7月17日 17:37
主题: [S2]struts2 validation error message problem


hi, this is my first web-based project using struts2.0. I met a problem when 
using the validation . It seems the error message haven't been cleared and each 
time I submit the form, then the error message was added after the previous 
error message, it means if i submit 10 times, then there will display 10 error 
message, 10 of the same. any help would be appreciated. 



<package name="account" namespace="/" extends="default">
            <result name="input">jsp/account/account.jsp</result> 
     <result name="login_input">index.jsp</result>
        <action name="account_save" method="save" class="AccountAction"> 
     <interceptor-ref name="myStack"/>
  <action name="account_*" method="{1}" class="AccountAction" >
   <result name="create_success">/jsp/message.jsp</result> 
     <result name="create_failed">/jsp/message.jsp</result> 
     <result name="delete_success">/jsp/message.jsp</result>
     <result name="wellcome"> test.jsp</result>
     <result name="list">jsp/account/userList.jsp</result>
     <result name="account_role">jsp/account/userRole.jsp</result>
     <result name="person_input">jsp/account/personSet.jsp</result> 






see the files.


the error message look just like this;

*string length shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 *string length 
shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 
*string length shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 *string length 
shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 *string length shoule be 4-10 



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