For those of you following this thread, a test build for Struts 2.0.9
is available. Unless a problem is found, we expect to upgrade the
quality to a GA release by tomorrow evening, once the distribution has
had time to propagate through the mirroring network. Another quick-fix
to the OGNL expression issue is to replace a prior version of XWork2
with XWork 2.0.4.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 23, 2007 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Struts 2.0.9 release (was Re: S2 security fix release
planning (XWork 2.0.4 is out))
To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The test build of Struts 2.0.9 is available.

   Release notes:




   Maven 2 staging repository:


We appreciate the time and effort everyone has put toward contributing
code and documentation, posting to the mailing lists, and logging

Once you have had a chance to review the test build, please respond
with a vote on its quality:

   [ ] Leave at test build
   [ ] Alpha
   [ ] Beta
   [ ] General Availability (GA)

Everyone who has tested the build is invited to vote. Votes by PMC
members are considered binding. A vote passes if there are at least
three binding +1s and more +1s than -1s.

**** PLEASE NOTE ****

In the interest of time, I would like to declare a quality grade on
Struts 2.0.9 AS SOON AS we have received three binding votes toward
one of the grades, and NOT WAIT the usual 72 hours!

If not voting GA, please also be specific as to your concerns, so that
we can address any issues immediately!

Remember, a vote can be amended at any time to upgrade or downgrade
the quality of the release based on future experience. If an initial
vote designates the build as "Beta", the release will be submitted for
mirroring and announced to the user list. Once released as a public
beta, subsequent quality votes on a build may be held on the user

As always, the act of voting carries certain obligations. A binding
vote not only states an opinion, but means that the voter is agreeing
to help do the work


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