Since it works for the form, but not the wildcard action mapping, it might be an issue with the action mapper. Try using a non-wildcard mapping to see if it makes a difference.


JBL wrote:
We have a link to a Struts 2 action that includes a URL parameter
(.../something_method.action?name=NAME), and the URL parameter is getting
lost -- it doesn't show up in the action, the request map (when we implement
RequestAware), the parameter map (when we implement ParameterAware), or a
custom interceptor we put at the top of the interceptor stack.

When we submit a form to the same action with the same parameter (<input
type="text" name="name" value="NAME"/>), it comes through just fine for both
maps (request and parameters), and ParametersInterceptor transfers the form
parameter values to the action just as you'd expect.

We've tried hard-coding the method name in struts.xml, figuring the wildcard
processor might chop off the request parameter; no luck. As early as we can
pick things out of the request cycle, the URL parameters appear to be gone.

struts.xml looks like:

  <package name="..." namespace="..." extends="struts-default">
    <action name="something_*" class="...SomethingAction" method="{1}">
      <result>/WEB-INF/... .jsp</result>

We're using Struts 2.0.8.

There's a similar question in the Struts 2 FAQs about the
ParametersInterceptor not setting values, but the answer there turns out to
be that your setter and getter have to use the same type. (See, in the Interceptors section.)

Ian Roughley has a handy book available as a free PDF on
( - please forgive the plug);
it suggests on page 23 that you should be able to see URL parameters via the
ParametersInterceptor. Nothing I've seen elsewhere contradicts this, though
the ParametersInterceptor page
( says that it
would "typically" be used to apply form parameters to an action.

Any help would be appreciated.



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