I have a tabbed panel set up as follows

<s:tabbedPanel id="questionPanel" doLayout="true"

<s:div id="questionTab" label="Question" theme="ajax">
    Static Content...

<s:div id="udfTab" label="UDF" theme="ajax" listenTopics="/editUdfs">
    Static link <a href="javascript:editUdf()">Edit UDF</a>

<s:div id="docTab" label="Docs" theme="ajax">
    Static  content


When I click the link in the UDF tab, the /editUdfs  gets published
and the edit gui displays in the tab,  the problem is if I click on
another tab after this happens, the contents of that tab does not
display and the UDF gui still shows.

Do I have anything set up wrong?

I have the tab panel inside a Split Container that calls the tabs from
ajax (loadDetails)  Im not sure if that makes any difference.  Here is
a code sample:

  <div dojoType="LayoutContainer" >

            <div dojoType="SplitContainer" orientation="horizontal"
sizerWidth="3" style="width:100%;height:550px;">
                <div dojoType="ContentPane" style="overflow:auto;">

                    <s:url id="getTree" action="getTree">
                        <s:param name="id" value="%{id}"/>

                    <s:div theme="ajax" href="%{getTree}">



                <div dojoType="ContentPane" class="detailsContentPane">

                    <s:url id="loadDetails" action="getDetails">
                        <s:param name="id" value="492"/>

                    <s:div theme="ajax" href="%{loadDetails}">




Any suggestions would be great.

Thank you,


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