I also had the same problem, and have found the solution:
+ create a new folder named <ajax> under folder <template> (<template> has same level as <WEB-INF> and put the attached file <tree.ftl> in that folder (template\ajax\tree.ftl) + try this new function, in which parameter <nodeId> is replaced with <message>

function treeNodeSelected(message) {
url: "<s:url value='/tags/ui/ajax/dynamicTreeSelectAction.action' />?nodeId="+message.node.widgetId,
     load: function(type, data, evt) {},
     mimeType: "text/html"

Hope this would help,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Session A Mwamufiya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: struts 2.0.9 with the dynamic tree

Please, has anyone figured out how to make the tree selection work with struts 2.0.9? The showcase example, the way it stands doesn't work for 2.0.9 (it didn't work for 2.0.6 either, but I found a hack that involved changing the struts-core jar file). I thought it was supposed to be fixed in 2.0.9. Any updates on this?



I recently upgraded to struts 2.0.9, and now my tree viewer doesn't
respond to node selections any more.

Here's my jsp script: <script> function treeNodeSelected(nodeId) {
dojo.io.bind({ url: "<s:url
value='/tags/ui/ajax/dynamicTreeSelectAction.action' />?nodeId="+nodeId,
load: function(type, data, evt) {}, mimeType: "text/html" }); };

dojo.event.topic.subscribe("treeSelected", this, "treeNodeSelected");

<s:tree theme="ajax" rootNode="%{treeRootNode}"
childCollectionProperty="childrenNodes" nodeIdProperty="id"
nodeTitleProperty="name" treeSelectedTopic="treeSelected"> </s:tree>

The action that's suppose to execute when a selection is made is
dynamicTreeSelectAction; but it never gets called (I use logging in the
execute() and setNodeId() methods)

Has anyone gotten around this problem?

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