I have some images displayed on my website... the images on the first page do 
not get loaded when the page displays for the first time.. you can see it 
here... http://www.hapandharpur.com. there are images in the right top corner. 
One is a logo and one is a symbol.. Both of those images do not get loaded when 
I access the site that is deployed on internet. If I access the local 
code(which is my dev env) it opens fine...
what could be the problem??
This is the tag that I am using.
  <logic:present parameter="mName">  <logic:match value="home" 
parameter="mName">  <br>  <td valign="top">  <html:img 
page="/img/handicapped.jpg"/>  </td>  </logic:match>  </logic:present>
Thanks for your help.
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