Does anyone have any ideas on how the dojo ajax tags can be validated
(autocompleter, datetimepicker, etc.)?  I was told this was fixed in 2.1,
which I am using, but I cannot get it to work.  I'd like to make my
autocompleter required and have it validate the same as my other fields. 
Can I validate its key?  What I'd really like to do is have the following
        <sx:autocompleter label="Site" value="%{}"
                cssStyle="width:132px; height:18px; border:1px solid #7B9EBD"
                name="site" required="true" href="%{siteList}"
                loadOnTextChange="true" showDownArrow="false" 
                searchType="substring" />

And then have this in my validation file:
  <field name="siteKey">
    <field-validator type="requiredstring">
      <message>Field is required</message>

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