
I'm trying to setup action mappings for URLs similar to the examples below:

1. GET: /states    =>   action = StatesController, method=index()
2. GET: /states/ca => action = StatesController, method=show(), params=[id=ca] 3a. GET: /states/ca/cities/sacramento => action = StatesController, method=show(), params=[id=ca, cities=sacramento]
3b. GET: /states/ca/cities/sacramento => action = CitiesController, method=show(), params=[id=sacramento, states=ca]

The first two URLs are fine with the struts2-rest-plugin and the RestActionMapper but I haven't found any combination of namespaces, packages or Controllers to get 3a or 3b to work as well.

As far as I can tell from a brief look, the RestActionMapper assumes the URI consists only of an optional namespace prefix, action name, optional method and optional id. However the Restful2ActionMapper (which I haven't used and presume is superseded) does attempt to extract parameters as described at #3.

Can anyone suggest how the packages/namespaces/Controllers(Actions) should be setup to get either 3a or 3b to work with the rest plugin in 2.1?

Jeromy Evans

PS. I also couldn't produce anything equivalent using the SmartUrls-0.18 plugin with 2.0

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