
In version 2.0.9 I had a datetimepicker with custom user-defined conversion that worked fine. After migrating to S 2.1.1 my conversion class on submit receives the beginDate in the wrong format, instead of the expected
"yyyy.MM.dd" I get something like dd-MM-yyyyT<time part>.

Seems like a defect new to 2.1.1 or?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

****************************** formSimulationRun.jsp *********************

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %>

<s:form action="SimulationRun.action" method="post" theme="%{currentTheme}">
<sx:datetimepicker label="Begin Date" name="beginDate" displayFormat="yyyy.MM.dd" toggleType="fade"
 toggleDuration="500" />
<s:submit value="Simulate" align="center"/>

*********************** SimulationRunAction-conversion.properties ***********************


*********************** StringToDateConverter.java ************************************

* Custom conversion used by e.g. Simulation input form.
* @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Giovanni Azua</a>
* @version $ $Date: Oct 3, 2007 1:27:13 PM $
class StringToDateConverter
extends StrutsTypeConverter
   // public
   public Object
   convertFromString(Map aMap, String[] anArguments, Class aClass)
       if (anArguments.length != 1)
           super.performFallbackConversion(aMap, anArguments, aClass);
Integer myDate = Integer.valueOf(anArguments[0].replaceAll("\\.", "")); return myDate;

    * @throws UnsupportedOperationException "Not yet implemented."
   public String
   convertToString(Map aMap, Object anArgument)
       throws UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented.");

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