Amit Rana wrote:
 I have a url for login
<s:url id="loginurlid" namespace="/" action="login" method="input"></s:url>

 This generates a url like http://localhost:8080/myapp/login!input.action

 Is there a way to tell s:url to use _ or / as separator and not !

In struts.xml you can define any name you want for your action, which is really just an alias for an action class/method combination:

<action name="loginBecauseISaidSo" class="loginAction" method="input">

then the url can be generted by
<s:url id="loginurlid" namespace="" action="loginBecauseISaidSo"/>
with the resulting url (relative to your app) of /loginBecauseISaidSo.action

Basically, if you're specifying the method in s:url, then in my opinion you're missing an action mapping in struts.xml.


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