No idea.  I can check though.


Ian Roughley
From Down & Around, Inc.
Consulting * Training / Mentoring * Agile Process * Open Source
web: - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ted Husted wrote:
Amazon is showing the book as available now! <yeah!>

If you order through this link, the commission on the sale will be
donated to the ASF.


Ian, any word on whether Apress will be making their books available
for the Kindle?


On Nov 20, 2007 1:31 PM, Ian Roughley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm pleased to announce the release of my newest book, "Practical Apache
Struts2 Web 2.0 project".  And, no, I didn't pick the name :-)

Where "Starting Struts2" was high level and provided pointers for
further exploration, this book dives deep into the framework providing a
practical guide and lots of code examples for developing web application
using Struts2.  For those that are new to the framework, there is
information on getting started, the request/response life cycle, and
architecture and configuration (XML and zero configuration/annotation).
And for those that are familiar with Struts2, more advanced topics such
as security (yes, container, custom and Acegi are all provided with
example code), workflows/wizards, RESTful web services, and Ajax are

For more information, the Apress web site is  I also believe it will
be available through most major bookstores.


Ian Roughley
From Down & Around, Inc.
Consulting * Training / Mentoring * Agile Process * Open Source
web: - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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