Jeromy Evans wrote:
DJR wrote:
What I'm doing now to solve the problem is to modify the source code of the
tag. But it's a bit troublesome, I think. Are there any more elegant

DJR wrote:
As is know to all, <s:optiontransferselect> tag has a "buttonCssStyle"
attribute, which will make all buttons look in a unified style. But how
can we make each button in a different style just like the image showed

As per your last question about vertical layout, create your own template for optiontransferselect and modify the style of each button/use an image button.

These are absolutely the correct instructions, but they're not as explicit as they could be:

Extract template/simple/optiontransferselect.ftl from the struts-core.jar, add it as WEB-INF/classes/template/simple/optiontransferselect.ftl
and modify it as you desire.


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