How are you referencing the action?  I always use an img tag like this:

<img src="serverIronLoadChart.action" />


Ian Roughley
From Down & Around, Inc.
Consulting * Training / Mentoring * Agile Process * Open Source
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John Cartwright wrote:
Hello All,

I'm having a little trouble getting a chart result type configured using the package declaration below. Whenever I hit the associated URL, my browser prompts me to save a "bin" file rather than displaying the chart. The bin file is a valid png, but somehow Struts is not recognizing the returned type. Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong?


-- john

<package name="chart" extends="jfreechart-default" namespace="/chart">
     <action name="serverIronLoadChart"
        <result type="chart">
           <param name="width">400</param>
           <param name="height">300</param>

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