--- naveen k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How to use this Firebug for these jsp pages to track my problem?
> In what way it can help me?
> Please dont think i am boring u my friend.

The issue isn't that you're boring anybody, it's that you're using the
struts-user list to ask JavaScript questions which aren't even related to the
JavaScript distributed by Struts.

That you got any replies is an indication of how helpful the people here are
even when the question is wildly off-topic.

A tutorial on Firebug and JavaScript is a bit beyond the scope of the

I'd try a couple of different approaches. First I'd do a sanity-check to see
if I can load the JavaScript directly from the URL bar. My guess is that you
won't be able to because you're not properly rewriting the URL of the
JavaScript in the JSP page, but that depends on how you've configured your
web application. I'd also check to see if the JavaScript is even being loaded
in your JSP page, which is closely tied to the first issue.


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