PS: I'm looking for v2.0.9 specifically, if that makes any difference.

-----Original Message-----
From: Allen, Daniel 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 2:44 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Source for Struts Tiles Plugin?

Hi. I'm trying to move a web app from Struts1/Tiles1 to Struts2/Tiles2.
Unsurprisingly, quite a few things are going wrong.

In particular, I have a tiles-def.xml file in WEB-INF/classes, and it's
not being picked up, or at least not being read properly. I was able to
trace through the definitions loading up to a point, and see that the
correct file path is being given to
ServletTilesApplicationContext.getResource(), but within that method
there's a call to servletContext.getResource() which goes into the
ConfiguredServletContext class. That class is part of the Struts Tiles
Plugin jar, and I don't have the source to step inside and see what
specifically is going wrong.  So, if anyone could give me a SVN or CVS
command or provide a link to download the source, that would really

~Dan Allen

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