xianwinwin wrote:
Thank you Jeramy!
I tried to use the cssStyle for a while and came up with this:

<s:radio cssStyle="{display: block;}" label="Group" name="groupSelect" list="groups" />

Unfortunately the the cssStyle is applied to the input, not to the label as well. As you're using a list to create the radio buttons you have little option but to create a custom theme. Alternatively you could still use theme="simple" and an s:iterator to list them add and labels and breaks.

However, creating a custom theme is much easier than it first seems.

1. create a directory "template" in your src directory. If you use maven that means src/main/resources/template. I any case it needs to be deployed at /WEB-INF/classes/template

2. create a directory template/mytheme. This is the name of your theme

3. create a file in template/mytheme/ called theme.properties containing:
parent = simple
That means that if you haven't provided a template in your theme, the template manager will search the simple theme for the template

4. COPY the following files to template/mytheme/:


5. Edit the file and add a <br/> after the </label>

Optional 5a. If you're using the xhtml theme or css_xhtml theme by default, you may want to include the control header and footer.
Add the following file to the start
<#include "/${parameters.templateDir}/xhtml/controlheader.ftl" />
and end of the file:
<#include "/${parameters.templateDir}/xhtml/controlfooter.ftl" /><#nt/>
(Substitute css_xhtml if preferred). Have a look at radiomap.ftl in these themes for examples.

6. Reference the theme when you use the radio:

<s:radio theme="mytheme" label="Group" name="groupSelect" list="groups" />

That's it

Hope that helps,
Jeromy Evans

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