Just thought it's worth pointing out that displaytag does tables, whereas google search results are actually table-less.

I'd be very interested if anyone knows whether displaytag or any other project is or will offer a table-less solution.

There are so many extras that would be nice to have for pagination, I would gladly swap my own quick'n'dirty implementation for something 3rd party.


Giovanni Azua on 22/02/08 09:47, wrote:

I use displaytag (http://displaytag.sourceforge.net). If you can live without a natively AJAX-enabled pagination library, displaytag is excellent. I like very much the concept of display Decorators, produces a very clean design and perfect separation of concerns.

Workarounds exist to AJAXify displaytag (AjaxAnywhere, AjaxTags)

I don't use any of these myself, though.

The other choice you have I think is tabletags (http://code.google.com/p/tabletags/). The aim seems to provide the same functionality as displaytag but integrating better with Struts 2 e.g. seems to use the same template-based concept and therefore you can customize it entirely. But AFAIK it does not offer yet automatic paging like displaytag does see:

I tried to adopt tabletags at first but it is too at an early stage yet i.e. lacks lot of functionality that displaytag currently offers out of the box.

Best regards,

PS: there are lot of people subscribed to this list that are involved with those projects and could give a more educated guidance on differences among these two.

Jaarthy wrote:

How to implement pagination as in Google in Struts2?Any Help would be

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