I actually thought you couldn't nest <s:*> tags. You can nest them in
regular HTML tags because the JSP and the HTML are interpreted at
different steps, so from the separate perspectives of the two parsers
there's not really any nesting going on (the JSP parser on the server
only cares about JSP tags, and the HTML parser on the browser only sees
the output).

Perhaps instead you could use an OGNL expression to concatenate the ID
onto the end of a string constant?


-----Original Message-----
From: matthieu martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 10:20 AM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: <s:property in <s:*> not interpreted

Hi all !

I have a little issue and I find no clues on the web, so i'm turning
to you.

I have a piece of code like this :

<div id="menu_image_gallerys<s:property value='id'/>">

          <s:property id="<s:property value='id'/>" value="id"/>

          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{EditImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Edit</s:a>

          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{MoveImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Move</s:a>

          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{copyImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Copy</s:a>


<div id="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>" />

this piece of code is placed in a loop, and creates a small menu for
images I have in galleries. The dataImageDiv is used to contain whatever
form I need.

The problem is that my <s:property> tags contained in my <s:a> tags
interpreted. After few manipulations, I observed that the <s:property>
is interpreted only if it's not contained in a struts tag. For instance

<div id="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>" />


<div id="dataImageDiv1" />


<s:div id="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>" />


<div id="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>" />

Thus, my piece of code produces :

<div id="menu_image_gallerys1">


          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{EditImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Edit</s:a>

          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{MoveImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Move</s:a>

          <s:a theme="ajax" href="%{copyImageGallery}"
targets="dataImageDiv<s:property value='id'/>">Copy</s:a>


<div id="dataImageDiv1/>

As I'm using this in a loop, it's obviously not working, the targets and
divs not matching.

This is driving me nuts. Do I do something wrong ? Would you have an
idea ?
The <s:head theme="ajax"/> is well included in my header.

Thanks in advance,


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