hmm, is this question too stupid to be answered ?

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Alex Shneyderman
> I am a bit confused by how it works maybe you guys could shed some light :-)
>  I have a package structure and JSP pages structure that match. To be
>  concrete actions are placed like this:
>  /com/mypackge/my/namespace/
>  /com/mypackge/my/namespace/
>  and pages are placed like so:
>  /WEB-INF/pages/my/namespace/index.jsp
>  /WEB-INF/pages/my/namespace/edit.jsp
>  now when I request a page I would like to configure struts/codebehind
>  combo so if I user requests:
>  /my/namespace -> index.action should kick in (of course it does not
>  exists so index.jsp should be the result with the help of codebehind
>  plugin. And in that page I can do what I need to
>  So, I tried to make an entry in struts.xml
>  <struts>
>         <constant name="struts.codebehind.pathPrefix" value="/WEB-INF/pages/" 
> />
>         <package name="my.namespace" namespace="/my/namesapce">
>                 <default-action-ref name="index" />
>         </package>
>  </struts>
>  this does not seem to work as I get
>  HTTP ERROR: 404
>  Any idea on how I could achieve this ?
>  Thanks,
>  Alex.

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