Frans Thamura wrote:
hi all

if i want to create the url something like this, and withour .do or .action,
like REST

URLs without the extension is possible by setting the property:

Where the double comma indicates "no extension".

is smartURL the answer or we must use RESTplugins, which we know we cannot
mixed REST with current struts2 setting

i want the url like this http://localhost:8080/cimande/profile/fthamura

which fthamura is my account

Passing parameters through the path is supported by the NamedVariablePatternMatcher, a largely undocumented feature of XWork2.1 (search the user mail archives for discussion), or by the Struts2UrlPlugin which is not released and also undocumented ( I created the latter specifically for this use-case and because it's impossible for the NamedVariablePatternMatcher to solve all the issues in isolation. It won't be released or announced until I have time to write a user guide though.

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