
I am troubleling with the Fileupload in S2.

I want to have printed my own messages on failure of the file upload which takes place in the interceptor.
I am uploading files exceeding the set maximum size
The documentation talks about the struts-message-properties, where is declared:

struts.messages.error.uploading=Error uploading: {0}
struts.messages.error.file.too.large=File too large: {0} "{1}" {2}
struts.messages.error.content.type.not.allowed=Content-Type not allowed: {0} "{1}" {2}

The message printed via the ActionError is complete different text I cannot find in any file:

"the request was rejected because its size (2352563) exceeds the configured maximum (2097152)"

Where is this Text declared?

A colleague talked about the commons-fileupload which is declaring the printed text.... The Jakarta File... seems to me the right instance of takiong care of the ActionError

When looking at the sources I figured that not the FileUploadInterceptor instantiates the ActionError. It is done by the
parse()-Method of the MultipartRequestWrapper, or somewhere deeper.

So figure that the struts-message.properties is never applied and the ActionError is setup in-code instead of the usage of an external property file.

Is there any documentation out there on this issue? - I just want to set my own (localed) messages for the different errors that may occure, just like intended by the S2 FileUploadInterceptor, which seems somewhat not fully useful to me right now.

I appreciate your help in advance,

best greetings from cologne,

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