Did you confirm whether calling the form's submit() method triggers its onsubmit handler? It may be that calling submit() bypasses it, in which case an explicit guard in your submit function might do the trick:

function submitRegistrazioneUtenteForm(nomeForm){
  var form = ...;
  if (validateRegistrazioneUtenteForm(form)) {
  return false;


cacodemon79 wrote:
No suggestions? :(

I also tried to use
instead of
but the result is the same. The form is submitted but I can't see any
javascript alerts.

I can't understand where is the problem.

I hope you can help me.


cacodemon79 wrote:
Hi, I'm using Struts Validator Framework (Struts 1.3).
Server-side validation works well.
The problem is in client-side validation.

The form name I have to validate is: RegistrazioneUtenteForm.

In my jsp page I have 2 buttons:
1) <html:link
2) <html:submit />
and the following form declaration:
<html:form action="/registrazioneUtente" method="post" focus="username"
onsubmit="return validateRegistrazioneUtenteForm(this)">
Moreover I have enabled javascript validation:
<html:javascript formName="registrazioneUtenteForm" cdata="false" />

The javascript function submitRegistrazioneUtenteForm is the following:
function submitRegistrazioneUtenteForm(nomeForm){

If I click on the second button (html:submit), all works well (I get
javascript alerts).
If I click on the first button (html:link), the form is submitted but I
can't see any javascript alerts.

I can't understand where is the problem.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

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