You can use the simple theme. Or customize the templates of the xhtml theme.
If you use the css theme then you may style it via css as well.

I am using the simple theme - it gives the most control. IMHO the other themes 
are not flexible enough and make more work than they save.


Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2008 18:41:15 schrieb xianwinwin:
> I have a form in which I wish to have it align horizontally.
> If I use the tags like this:
> <s:form action="register_addTraveler" method="post" >
>         <s:textfield name="traveler.firstName" size="10"/>
>         <s:textfield name="traveler.lastName" size="10"/>
>         <s:textfield name="traveler.dob" size="10"/>
> </s:form>
> I get it in a vertical way. Does anyone know how to set it horizontally?
> * the idea is to create a table and let the end-user fill the information
> as if he sees an excel table:
> first name....last name.....dob
> [           ]....[           ]....[   ]
> [           ]....[           ]....[   ]
> [           ]....[           ]....[   ]
> [           ]....[           ]....[   ]
> Thanks for any pointers

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