
I am trying to implement a hibernate UserType for all the monetary amounts in my application. I follow the example given in "Manning - Java Persistence with Hibernate" Chapter 5.3 . I am having difficulties to set and retrieve the value from a jsp due to a lack of understanding how this is handled. I assume it is related to OGNL.

Basically I am trying the following:
<s:textfield key="bid.amount" /> ( also tried: <s:textfield key="bid.amount.amount" /> )

@org.hibernate.annotations.Type ( type= "com.app.persistence.MonetaryUserType" )
@Column( name="amount" )
public Monetary getAmount() { return amount; }

and Monetary beeing:
public class Monetary implements Serializable{
   private final BigDecimal amount;
   private final Currency currency;

   public Monetary(BigDecimal amount, Currency currency) {
       this.amount = amount;
       this.currency = currency;

   public BigDecimal getAmount() { return amount; }
   public Currency getCurrency() { return currency; }

I am getting either a field error or with "bid.amount.amount" :
ERROR [btpool0-2] InstantiatingNullHandler.nullPropertyValue(110) | Could not create and/or set value back on to object
java.lang.InstantiationException: com.app.model.Monetary

What am I doing wrong? What is this InstantiatingNullHandler.nullPropertyValue and how to trac it down?

Thanks and kind regards

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