Hardik Shah wrote:
i am trying to use several yui elements in strtus

problem is that
it can not get its styles (for exp tab shows only in link format ,it can not
use tabview.css)

when i try to exclude action like cflist.do in decorators.xml then yui works
fine (bt my constant view also exclude)

i can not understand how to solve  this problem

y sitemesh filter all this css files

please help me according to that

thanks in advance

It's really a sitemesh question.

In sitemesh.xml, ensure your <page-parser> is setup only for "text/html". You don't want it to attempt to decorate other content types. In decorators.xml, you can probably decorate /*. You shouldn't need any exclusions unless you serve undecorated html as well.

You need to isolate whether your css file is being served accidentally decorated, or not served at all. Use FireBug to find out. If it's not being served at you, your problem is not with sitemesh but with your configuration/deployment of the container.

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