Your configuration is okay but you have misused the action tag. You can't embed an inline image within an HTML page.

ie. you've started sending a result, which is from JSP, and then part-way though you've attempted to output some binary data in the same output stream.

You do not need special tags. As Gabriel suggested, you simple need an image tag.

<p>The image follows</p>
<img src="pgetpicture.action" alt="generated image"/>

That means there's first an HTML stream (from the JSP), then separately browser opens the image stream from your action.

Hope that makes sense.
Jeromy Evans

Alessio Bandini wrote:
I'm sorry again.
The mailing list manager does not allow attached files.

But the problem is still the same.
I get the image from DB, but I see binary characters and not the image.

Probably I have to use some special tags but I cannot understand what.


Alessio Bandini wrote:

I'm sorry, I intend "mistake", writing the modules, not "error".
The image is stored in an Oracle DB, not in a file system.
I get the BLOB from DB, but when I try to view the image what I see is in the file attached to this mail.
I see binary characters and not the image.


Gabriel Belingueres wrote:
Please post the error (stack trace?).

I suppose that if you want to "show" the image, you need some <img>
tag in your html page result. <s:action> tag doesn't generate <img>
tags for you AFAIK.

2008/8/21, Alessio Bandini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have a web application that must get image from blob field stored in an
Oracle DB, but I cannot find "how to" examples.

Here is my sources. Where is the error?

<s:action name="pgetpicture" executeResult="true" >
       <s:param name="id" value="2950" />

<package name="pgetpicture" extends="struts-default">
   <action name="pgetpicture"
       <result name="success" type="stream">
           <param name="contentType">image/jpeg</param>
           <param name="inputName">img</param>
           <param name="bufferSize">1024</param>
           <param name="contentDisposition">inline</param>
package pgetpicture;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import maps.SqlMapConfig;


public class PGetPictureAction extends ActionSupport {

   private Integer id;
   private PGetPicture imgobj;

   public String execute() throws Exception {
       imgobj =
("getpromopicture", getId());
       return SUCCESS;

   public Integer getId() {
       return id;

   public void setId(Integer id) { = id;

   public InputStream getImg() {
       return imgobj.getImg();

package pgetpicture;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
import java.util.*;

public class PGetPicture {

   private byte[] img;

   public void PGetPicture(){

    public InputStream getImg() {
       InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(img);
       return is;

   public void setImg(byte[] img) {
       this.img = img;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"

<sqlMap namespace="pgetpicture">

       <typeAlias alias="picture"

       <resultMap id="picture-map" class="picture">
               <result property="img" column="img"  jdbcType="BLOB" />

       <select id="getpromopicture" resultMap="picture-map">
           SELECT b_imgbkg as img
           FROM <table_name>
           WHERE i_id = #id#


Please, help me.

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