I've seen this reported previous as a bug in S2/Xwork (appending an extra 0 character). I can't recall where I saw that.

Write a custom type-converter for that field to work-around it.

Milan Milanovic wrote:
This is some wierd Struts behaviour for Double conversion, e.g., if my prop
attribute in JSP was 2232.435, when user click on this "Delete" link, in my
action class for prop attribute I get: 2232435.0 ?!


Milan Milanovic wrote:

I have this code in my jsp:

<s:iterator value="someObject" status="rowstatus">
<s:url id="removeUrl" action="remove">
    <s:param name="prop" value="prop" />
<s:a id="a_%{prop}" href="%{removeUrl}" theme="ajax"
notifyTopics="/delete" targets="fruits">Delete</s:a>

This "remove.action" is mapped into remove() method in my action class,
and "prop" is a double property with get/set methods in my action class.

What happens now, when user enter, e.g. 1234.0 for "prop", it is well
represented here, e.g. "prop" value is 1234.0 in jsp and my list in action
class, but when user click on the link above to delete it, in my action
class remove() method for "prop" I get: 12340.0 ! Zero is always added at
end of the number, does anyone know why this could happen ?

Regards, Milan

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