Alexander Baetz wrote:

i'm currently working on a new Interceptor for EJB Injection on Actions. I allready extendet it to work on fields and methods. But since i dont like to make my own Annotation type i wanted to use the javax.ejb.ejb anotation. But there is a small problem with that:

the annotation used by the ejb3-plugin for struts 2 has a field that determines if the bean is statefull or stateless. I don't have this bean, so how do i determine for the injection if the bean is statefull?

I'm not familiar with the plugin, but why does it need to know whether the bean is statefull or stateless? I don't think that should affect the lookup or injection into the action, should it? Only the Container that instantiates the bean and provides the instance cares, doesn't it?

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