
I am trying a common scenario, where I want to dynamically create form fields and either add or remove some fields. The fields are a List of objects. I using the following approach described in short:

       List<MyObject> myObjectList;
      prepare(){if == null (3x) add ... else add 1x}
      String delete(){ myObjectList.remove(int listPostion) }

   <s:form id="form">
         <s:textfield key="anotherField" />
<s:div id="objectsDiv" theme="ajax" href="%{getListOfObjects}" formId="form"> </s:div>

   <s:iterator value="myObjectList" status="status">
         <s:url id="deleteObject[#stat.index]">
              <param name="listPosition" value="#stat.index" />
        <s:textfield key="myObjectlist[#stat.index].value1" /> ......
<s:submit formId="form" value="-" href="%{deleteObject[#stat.index]" />

This works, but does not refresh the div objectsDiv. Using target does not work because objectList does not get onto the request, without target the objectList is on the request. I tried to set the objectList as a param to s:url deleteObject, this kind of works but results in a param intercepter exception (haven't tried a custom converter yet). When having the div put the fields from formId="form" onto the request it only puts the fields onto the request that itself does not hold. In example only the 'anotherField'.

I think this should work this way. Why does setting target result in removing the myObjectList on the request? Why does s:div formId not put the fields on request itself holds?

Many thanks in advance

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