dynamicd wrote:
Well i Just caught something. For some reason my listentopics or action from the form is not working It shows loading.. in the Chrome browser. but never loads. nothing in the logs Works on both firefox and IE

s:div >
 <s:form id="selectreport" theme="ajax" action="ShowConfigureDZ" >
onchange="dojo.event.topic.publish('showConfigure_topic');return false;" theme="ajax"
<s:url id="showconfigureDZ" value="/ShowConfigureDZ.action" />
  <s:div id="configureDZ" href="%{showconfigureDZ}" formId="selectreport"
notifyTopics="showConfigure_topic"  theme="ajax"></s:div>
Any Ideas

So when they change the select value, the selectreport form is submitted and the configureDZ div is refreshed with the response.

I can't see anything wrong... You may have to enable dojo debugging to see if any messages are displayed. I haven't played with any of the Chrome developer tools yet to see if that helps.

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