Roger wrote:

<s:iterator value="valueables" status="status">
<s:textfield name="valueables[%{#status.index}].description"/>
<s:property value="%{valueables[%{#status.index}].description}"/>
<s:property value="valueables[%{#status.index}].description"/>

The textfield property correctly displays the value , neither of the property tags display anything at all. What's the correct syntax for the property value attribute?


This is best, as its an iterator, for a for loop:

<s:iterator value="valueables">
 <s:textfield name="description"/>
 <s:property value="description"/>

The complication is that the iterator places a new object on the top of the stage: the object returned by, so it's first trying to get valueables[i] from valueables[i], which is a waste of effort.

Anyway, using your syntax, these should work

<s:iterator value="valueables" status="status">
<s:textfield name="valueables[#status.index].description"/>
<s:property value="valueables[#status.index].description"/>

But I haven't check as its not the approach I'd use.

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