Hello, this is my first post in this list.

I'm  using S2 with Tiles plugin on Tomcat.

I've a very strange problem. Almost all <href/> and <form/> elements
causes a double action's method activation.

For example if I have:

        <a href="showPhotoInCoversPage.action?id=<s:property value='id'/>">

mapped in struts.xml in this way:

        <action name="showPhotoInCoversPage"
            <interceptor-ref name="scopedModelDriven">
                <param name="scope">session</param>
            <interceptor-ref name="almayerStack"/>
                <result type="tiles" name="success">chapterWizardCovers</result>

happened that the methos CreateChapterAction.showPhotoInCoversPage()
is called twice.

PS: I've a custom inteceptor, but I'm sure that it works well.

Does someone have the same problem, or similar?

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.


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